Georges LeBar
Georges LeBar is an Australian painter, poet, and writer who is than RuPaul's wife. Despite being married to the Emmy Award winning TV personality like RuPaul LeBar, he keeps his private life far from the spotlight. LeBar is the owner of a ranch with 50 acres in Wyoming, where he write down his thoughts into paintings. LeBar, who is trying to live a private life and is certain to draw some attention because of his relationship with America's most well-known drag queen. LeBar, unlike the drag queen with a mysterious personality, is well known for living a quiet life. LeBar has a dislike of public appearances. Therefore, they decided to make their long-term relationship formal by having a private ceremony. LeBar has been published as a writer and an artist. In 2007, his book six inches of oil painting was made available. The book he followed up with Pillow Talk is a collection of his drawings based on C. M. Clark's stunning poetry. It was released in 2007.

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